Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5151 .B3 1659

(363) Sabbath day] Pfal. tot is entitled, e..,4 Prayer of the afí5 ed whenhe is overwhelmed, and poureth out his complaint before the Lord. ] The ref} were of ordinary publike ufe. Pfalms are Prayersand Praifes to God for the molt part : and both as Pray- ers, and Praifes, and as Plalms, they are part of the Liturgy. z Chron. 6.7. [On that day David delivered firfl this Pfalm, to thank, the Lord, into the hands of A(aph and his brethren.] The fong of ;gofer is delivered in form Exod. 15. And the Saints in the Revelations 15.3. are faid to fing the fang of Mofes, Numb.; 0.35,36. there is an oft - repeated form of .1lbofe.r pray- er. There is a form for the people, Deut. z i .a ,8. 7 edg. 5. there is Deborah! Song in form. There is a formof Prayer, reel Abundance more maybe mentioned but for tedioufnefs. I flail now only add., i. That the Lords Prayer is a form dire6ted to God as in the third perfon, andnot to man only as a Direc`}ory for prayer in the fecond'perfon :it is not [ Pray to God your Fa- ther in Heaven that his Name may be hallowed his Kingdom come, &c. ] But [ Our Father which art in Heaven, Hallowed be thy Name, &c. ] And it feems by the Drfciples words that thus ohn taught his Difciples to pray, Lark. I r. I. So that we have in the Scripture the mention of many fet forms of fervice to God, which thereforewe may well ufe. Argun]. 4. It is lawful topray to Godin the fet Words that we A,, find inScripture : but Co topray (in thelet words of Scripture) is a form; thereforea form is Lawful. I do not here plead example, ne in the lall Argument, but the Lawfulnefsof praying in Scripture words. They that deny this, muff be fo fingular and unreafonable, as that there is no need of my confutation for the rnani;efling of their error. And that it is to us a fet form if we take it out of Scripture, as well r.s if wecornpole it, or take it cut of another Book, is pail all que-. ¡lion. A multitude of the prat ers of holymen are left on record in the Scripture, betide thofe that were the préScribed forms of thofe times : He that will but turn to his Concërdance to the word .[OLord] and then to all the citedTexts, foal' find ma- ny fcore, if not hundred Texts that recite the prayersof the Saints; which when we ufe, we nie a form, which we there findwritten. Argun]. 5, Chrifi bath left us his Approbation of ftsdo forms : Argum. A a a z therefore