Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5151 .B3 1659

(368) `what they teach them,&, it is not the humoring of thefe Proud ufurpers that is the Peace thus to be bought. 4, We mull look to the future as well as theprefent Peace of the - hurches : And therefore if any will hold no Peace with us now, unlefs we will own forme formal Engine that is like tomake hereafier more divifion then unity in the Churches, ( by laying theU iity or Peace of the Church on things that will not bear it, andmaking things neceffary , that are not neceffary, nor to he made -fo) in fucti cafes , it is not our duty to betray the gene- neral or future Peace of the Church for our private or prefent Peace. 5 . The defireablencís of thisPeace ofthe Churchwhich we mutt leek, mull be much ju.'g d of by its tendency to the pro. mo.icg of holínefs the favi:sg ofamens fouls, the furthering of the Gofpe! and profperityof the Church in fpiritual refpeds : For a Peace that undermineth and betrayeth thefe,is not defirc- able. Themeans is to be valued by its tendency to the attain- ment oftheEnd. 6. There is need therefore of very great prudence, tocompare things with things, for a man toknow how to carry himfelf in fuch cafes. For imprudent overfights,or laying greateft flrefs on fmalleft things, and flìghringgreater, will make men live in conftantfin by abufing things indifferent. But fill the'Propofition holds good wich thefe cautions,that forms and fuck like indifferent things are to be ufed or difui d much with refpe t to the Churches Peace. Prop. 4. Prop. 4. CO great is thedifference between men and men, timer and times that firms may be a duty to force men , and at film times , and a fn to other men, andat ether times. As toprivate men in their families , it may be one mans du ty to ufe a form, or book, and another mans fin, fo is it with Minifters alfo in the Affemblies. Three diftinetions (among others) are obvious, in which this is manifeft. z. Some ,Minders are better able to perform Gods pub lick worfhip, ( except in the fore- excepted cafes) without a form : and iome are better able todo it by a form. z. Some