( 370 ) ration for expreflions ; when yet upon preparation, and by con.- venient helps, they excel' many extemporate men. a. The Neceflìties of the Church may require an allowance or tolerationof fuch as have not ability to compote externporate Prayers,or Sermons no nor to prepare fuch upon deliberation neither, but meetly read the Sermons and Prayers compofed by others.I know Come will not believe that fuch fhould beMinifters; But they would have them only read as private men,rather then the people fhould havenothing : For they think that a man that cannot preach or pray is no more capable of being a Minifter then a man that cannot command an Army is capable of being a Commander, etc. But a. Let fuch brethren confider that there may be all abili- tiesofffentially requifite to a Pallor, without the ability-ofpraying or preaching without a form ( Though fill I pray God to fave us from a Necef ty of fuch.) A man that canTeach men the fubliance ofthe Chriflian Religion, and adminifter the Sacra- ments, and Overfee and Govern the flock,, bath as much abi- lity as is neceffary to the Being of a Pallor. But thofe may have all this that cannot fitly preach or Pray'' without a form. They may be godly men, able in conference to inflru t the peo- ple in the fubflance ofReligion, and eo read the Scriptures, and the Holy writingsofgodly men, and to adminifler Sacraments, and prudently and diligently guide the people. And by the fame rule as you will conclude it better that (e. g.) wales, Ireland,&c. haveprivate men to read good books, rather then none, left they turnheathens ; I may alto conclude that is is better for them to have Churches and Paflors ofthis weaker fort, then to have none, and leave their children unbaptized, and live without theSacraments, and Church- Communion, and Government. z. ConfiderI befeech you ( which moves me more thenany thing elfe ) the fate of the Chriftian world. In c/rthiopia, Syria;Armenia, Ruf4,Grecia, andabundance ofother Churches of Chrift there are very fewPreachers, but meer Readers. And can any man think that it is bell for all there Churches tobe without Miniflers, and Sacraments, rather then to have fuch ? O that God would give them better l But till the tit Ikall pray that he