Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5151 .B3 1659

(37' be will continue thefe among them, rather then leave themde; future. I know many godly judicious men, of able parts for conference, that yet are unable to compofe a Sermon ( though if they could , it were a form) that yet I am confident by Reading fuch Praftical Books as are nowextant, and byprudent overfight, might be tolerable Paflors for many a Congregation in Miles,that now have none. z. In a time and place where no obligation by Magiftrates Commands,or Churches Agreements is laid upon us for the ufeof forms, I1am fully per(waded wefhould make no more ufe of them, then Neceffity compelleth us to do : But the thing be -. ing lawful) , the Command of a Magiflrate, or the agreement of the Churches may go far in moving us ; And indeed muffpre- vail with us, unlefs in cafes where there are weightier Accidents toweigh down on the other fide. For obedienceand Agreement or Concord in Lawfull things is our duty , where we have not forne greater reafon to forbid it. There is much difference between men that are left- at liberty, and men that are bound by lawful) Governours. Yea though theydo not well incom- manding , yet may we be bound to obey, when the mat- ter is fuch as belongeth to their jurifdic$ion, and not forbidden by God. 3. A man is allo much to regard the minds ofhis people : not out of man- pleating difpofition, but in order to their good. Prudence will tell us which way is likeft to attain our Ends. Food is tobe fitted tomens tempers and flomacks, andPhyfick, to their difeafes. Ifa Church be fo weak that they cannot bear the difufe of forms, and others fo weak that they cannot bear the ufe of them , the Pallor mull fit his.praaice to their Edifi- cation , till he can bring them toa wifer judgement, that fo they may receive that which indeed is moll: fit to edifie them. Pru- dence mutt guideus in the circumflantials of worfhip, which are left to our Determination ; that we may vary them as the condition ofour flock requireth, to their good ; ,(ofwhich moreanon : ) Bb b a Prop.