Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5151 .B3 1659

Prop. 5. Prop. 5. ir HE Adinifiers and Churches that earnefily de fire it , fhouldnot by the Magifrate be abfolute- ly, and generally prohibited the ufe of a convenient fiintedLi- t rNoteherethat I (peak not of the defres of any inconfide- rable perfons, contrary to the defiresof that whole Church. If a few ignorant or Wilfull people-fhould be eager for a form, when thePallor is able and willing tomanage tho work of God . without it, and the Congregation profeffeth that it hindered' their Edification ( by what accident foever I am not now gueflioning,) it is fit that ehofe unreafonable perlons fhould be denyed their delires (in that Church ) rather then the whole Congregation; Alfo if the Magifirate fhould perceive that a whole Congregrtion , or many, or the Pallors themfelves are eager for forne one particular form out of a corrupt humour, and in any ill design to the dif}urbance of the Churches Peace, or that they will needs have an unlawfull Form, that for mat- ter is erroneous, or for manner abfurd , or apt to breed unre- verence, or hinder Edification, the Magifirate fhould pro -- hibite this : Yet fo, that Prudence and Moderation meafure out his penalties in fuch a fort, as that he Churches Edifica- tion be not hindered by his over-rigorous correcting mens di= fternpers. But out of thefe and fuck like Cafes, when it is meer weak; nefs that caufeth Paflors or people to-be fet upon a ( lawful') form , The Magifirate ought not to prohibite themby fuch re- f1raints;as (hall deprive them ofthe libertyof worfhipping God, or hinder their Edification. The Reafons of this Propofition are thefe. i. Becaufe the thing being Lawfull, no Power fhould cau1e'efly refirain men from the ufe of Lawfull things. God having left men to their Liberty, none fhould without great reafon deprive them of ir. 2. The Magifirate fhould not hinder the Peoples Edification in the manner of Gods worfhip But in many places a 'tinted Liturgy is moll for the peoples Edification. Wherefore, &c. Whether it be theMinders weaknefs, or the peoples, that makes moll ufefull:tothem yet when the Magifirate cannot cure thac