(3i ) of ;_vlinifters ; left as he that deppifeth them, deppiveth Chrift, fo he that reftraineth them from their duty, and depriveth them ,of the extrcifeof their power unjuftly,be found one that would arrogate an authority over Chrift. 7. end what intolerable Pride is this, for a few Bifhops to thinkfo highly of them/elves, .and fobap), of their more judicious Brethren , at if no man muß fpeak, to God but in their words ? Tbefe forms ofPrayer areconceived and invented by fome body. And why fhould the Conceiver think fo highlyof his ownun- derftanding, as if he were fit to teach a whole Nation what they muff daily fay to God ? and why fhould he think fo unworthily of all others in comparifonof himfelf, as if none but he (and his Companions in this ufurpation) knew how to pray or utter their minds, but by his di&atesor prefcriptions? Is this Humi- lity ? fl. Moreover, this Impofztion of forms (as before defcribed) doth difcover toomuch Cruelty to the.Church : when they had ra- ther Miniflers were caft afide, and the people left in darknefs, then Minifters fhould teach them, andworfhip God with them, that will not tyethemfelves to the very words that they devife for them. What abundance of ignorant, drunken Readers and other Minifters were fuffered in England, while the learned, godly, painful Minifters were cart out, and filenced, or perfecu- ted, becaufe they would not conform toall the forms and cere- monies impofed by theBitleops ? And fo how many rhoufand fouls may we think are gone to Hell through the ignorance or ungodlinefs of their Guides ; as if their damnation were more,defirable , then their falvation by the teachingof Minifters that dare not ufe the Common Prayer Book and Ceremonies ? I know they will fay, that fuch Schifmatical Preachers do more hurt by breaking'the Churches peace, then they do good by converting fouls. But whowas it that laid thefe fnares in their way ? Who laid the Churches peace upon your inventions ? Hadnot the Church a fort Rule, and an happy order, and unity, and peace, before your Common prayer Book or Ceremonies were born ? Why mutt the Church have no peace brut upon fuch terms?Whomade this Neceflìty,thatall men muft be taken for intolerable fc,hifmatisks that dare not flint themfelves in the publick worthip byyour impofitions?Will you not be:confound- ed