( 377 ) edbeforeGod, when thefe CZeftions mull be anfwered ? The Church might have kept both Peaceand her Paßors, if you had let all alone as the Apoftles left it, and hadnot turned the forms ofyour Devotions to be a mare for others. 9. And it is great senmercifulnefi to the Souls ofparticularmen, when you will drive them into tech fnares, andccmFeil them to go againfi their confciences in indifferent things : what ever is not of faith is fin. And whether they believe it good or bad, you will cottrpell them to pra&ife all that you impofe.I3ave you not Con- fciences your felves?Do you not knowwhat it is for a man tobe driven againfi hisConfcience ? If not, you are no Chriftians:and then no wonder ifyou want,the Charity and compafïionof Chri- flians,andfo eafily for nothing, abufe and injure the Chriftian . caufe. ao. And in thus doing, you deal unjuflly , and do not as jeu xrould be done by. You would have Liberty your felves now to ufe a Liturgy : And why Mould not others have Liberty to difufe it ? Either you take it for a thing Neceffary in it felf, or for Indifferent.. It as Neceffary, then you are fo much the more arrogant and injurious to the Churches,and your ufurpati- on is the more intolerable,and you do much toJuftifie them that deprive you ofyour own liberty:For I know no Liberty that you fhouldhave to makeuniverfal Laws for the Church or to make new dutiesbyyourmwn meer wills, or turn. Indifferent things into Neceffary, and fo to multiply our work, and burden, and danger ; and to filence, fufpend or excommunicate all that dare not fubmit to your ufurped Dominion. But ifyou take it for a thing in it felf Indifferent, whether wepray in a Form ofprefcri- bed words,or not,then as weare content that you have your Li- berty on one part, you have as just caufeto allowus our liberty on the other,and todo asyou wouldbe done by. I L. And by thefe Impof tiors,you jet up a NewOffice or Power in the Church, Confilling of a NOV Legiflation, and a Government ofthe Churchby Inch newhumane Laws. We know no Law- giver but i. Chrift as to univerfalLaws of 'landing necefüty to the Churches, in the mattersof Sa determination t n... thofe tomake by-laws under Chriß for a juft circumßances that ought to be determined by humane Prudence ; and 3.The MinißersorNewts ofparticuclar Churchh- C c