(37g) es to direct and guide the people as there is caufe. As roe Bifhops or Councils, we know of no Legllative Power that they have over their Brethren, though Agreements they may make, whichmay be obligatory, a:. by content, as other con tracts, 2. and in order to unity, where the cafe requireth futh Agreements. But to fer up a New fort of Jurifdidtion in the Church, by Legitlation tomake Forms and Ceremonies obligato- ry, and by Executions to punifh Paftors that will not praetife them,is a dangerous device. Lafily by this means you will harden the Tapifts, that by their Invention: and Impofitions have divided the Church, and been guilty offo much ufurpation and tyrannie ; For how can we con- demn that in them that is pra&iled by our hives ? And though in number of Inventions and Impofitions they exceed, yet it is not well to concur with them in the k, ndof unnecefTary Im- pofitions,and fo far toJuflifie them in their injury to the Church if none of there or other Keafons will alloy the Imperious, diflemper ofthe Proud, but they mull needs by a ufurped Legiff ¡scionbe making Indifferent things become neceffary to others,, anddomineer over mens Confciences,and the Church of God,we mutt leave them to him,that being theLord and Lawgiver of the Church, is Jealous of his Prerogative, andabhorreth Idols, and-" will not give his glory to another,and that delighteth,to pull' down the Proud, and humble them that exalt themfeves. But yet how far an Agreement or voluntary Content of the Churches is defirable as to a Liturgy, I (hall thewmore anon. 'rop. Prop. 7. H E fafefl'way ofcompof:ng aflinted Liturgic, is to 1 take it all, er as much as may be, for words as well asmatter, out ofthehiely. Scriptures. Reaf is This way is!call lyable to fcruple, becaufe all are fitisfiedof the infallibleTruth ofScripture, and the firnefs of its expreffons, thatare not like to be fatisfied with manse And it is a laudable difpofition in the Creature to prefer the words of God beforealt other, and therefore not to bedifcouraged in any: Real. 2. Thisway tends moll to the peace of the Church. X11 will -unite it the words of God, that will not unite in the forms