( 3 83) any indifferent things ) lothpotently tend to perfwatde the peapid` that theyare matters of Necefty, and not indifferent. All the words that you can ufe will not fatisfie them that it is indifferent, if you 'ufe it not Indifferently. We fee by experience the power of cuftome-with the vulgar. But you will fay , What if they do overvalue it as ne. ceffary, what danger irinthat? Ianfwer very much. z. They will offer God a blind kind of fervice , while they place his worfhip in that which is nopart of worfhip ( as forms are not,as fuch) but an indifferent circumftance. 2, They will be hereby induced to uncharitable cenfures of otherChurches or perlons that think otherwife,or difufe thofe cuftoms. . They will be ftrongly induced to rebel! again& their Magiftrares and Paftors, if they ¡hall judge it meet to change thofe cuftoms 4,. Theywill turn that ftrcarn of their zeal for chefe indifferent things, . that fhould be laid out on the matters of Neceflity t. .and perhapsin vain will they worfhip God, by an outride by- pocriticall.worfhip, while they thus takeup with mens Traditi- ons. 5,. They will forfake Gods own Ordinances , when they ,cannot have them cloathed with their defired mode.. All this we fee in our dayes at home. Themolt ignorant andungodly do by hundreds and thoufands, reje& Church difcipline, and Sacraments, and manyofthem the Prayers and Afïemblies them- felves, becaufe they have not the Common Prayer, or becaufe the Churches kneel not at the Lords Supper in the a&of Re- ceiving and fuch like. So that it is a grievous plague to cur' peoples fouls to be led into thefe miftakes , and to think, that Circumfiances and things indifferent arematters ofNe- ceflity. And yet on the otherfide', left the confrant difisA of all con- venient forms, fhould lead the people into the contrary c tream,to think them all unlawful! ( and fo to be guilty of the likeuncharitable cenfures and evils as aforefaid ); I think it fa-- felt, that the ableft men fhould fometime ufe them; And this Indifferent ufe of them, will lead the people to indifférent thoughts of them , and fo they will not provoke God by blind worfhip nor be fo ready to fly in the faces of their Mindless when they crois them herein, as now they 'are. For example,, what astir have we if menmaynot kneel at the Sacramenr, or i