Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5151 .B3 1659

87) tenatrce a lazy infufficient'miniftry, nor hurt theChurch, then if there were none. Objet. v. But what need ii there of ?Are we not well without Weft. z. it ? why would you difturb our peace, to pleafe the adve fries? Anfw. r. We are nit without aLiturgy, as (hall be further (hewed, and therefore you cannot fay we are well with out it. 2. Some yong weak Miniflers (we muff fpeak the truth) do wrong bothBaptifm and the Lords Supper by many mifcarriages, for want of further helps. 3. Wale/ and many partsof Englandmull be fupplyed with . Forms, or be without, which is worfe. 4. TheConfciences ofmany of thofe that you call adverfaries (and I call Brethren) mutt be indulgedwith the libertyofa convenient form, or elfe we (ball not walk charita- bly. n the otberfide it will be obj,fted, by them that would Objeâ. áè have all men forced to the conflant u'e of forms, 1. that Ifwe have notfarms, men may vent what they pleafe in prayer : force rai:'e inprayer,ándforcevent error, andforce rebellion, &c. Anfw. r. This Argument makes againit all Prayer of Minifters, but what is prefcribed. For ifyou force them to a form, and yet give them leave with their Sermons to ufe alfo either extempo- rate or formed Prayers of their own, they may as well vent rebellion, heretic or malice in them, as if they had no liturgy at all. And if you would haveMiniflers ufe no prayerbutwhat they read out of the impofed books, for fear of_thefe inconveni- ences, you will (hew your felves enemies to the Church, and cure an inconvenience with a mifchief. z. And if men were forbidden all prayer but by the Book, yet it is more catie to vent error or malice in a Sermon. Sothat unlefs you tie them allo to forbearpreaching fave out ofan imposed book,, you 'are never thebetter.And ifyou would do fo,you are lorry helpers of the Church. 3 . You have a better remedy then thefe at hand. Put no fuch Jnfufñcient men, or Hereticks into the Minftry$ that will fo abufe prayer : or if they be creptin, put them out again, andput better in their places, that will not abufe it. If forme Phyfitians kill men by ignoralice or,malice, will you tic them all to go by a Book and give but one medicine, or will. you not rather caft out the unworthy and licencc.only abler men? D d d z Obje&;