Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5151 .B3 1659

(389) words ,and abife Gods wortip.Asfw.Get better in their ftead,thae are able todo Gods work in a more fuitable manner. But fee that your quarrelfomecapricious wits, do not odioufly aggra- vate imperfections, or make faults where thereare none. And remember that you have not Angels, but men to be your Pa- fiors ; and therefore imperfe&ions mull be expelled : But a blefsingmay accompany imperfect adminiftrations. But ifPeo- ple, Patron, and Ordainer will choofe weak men, when they may have better, they may thank themfelves. ACommon Prayer bookwill make but an imperfect fupply, inftead of an ableMinifter:: Though in fomecafes I am for it, as aforefaid. Object. 4 /Sit prayer is a _Quaking to God : and therefore Gbjeâ. . ramfhouldfaynothing bit what is exaalyweighedbefore hand. Anfw. z. Wegrantall this. But men may weigh before hand the matter of their requelts, without preparing a form of words : or a man may fore-confider of bis words, without a grayer-book. 2. Preaching is a fpeal ing in Gods name, as tbmghGod (pea(byus, and as Chrift: embafradors in his Read. 2 Cor, 5. 19, 2o. And to fpeak as in Chrifls fluid, and Gods name, required: as great preparation, as to fpeak to God in the peoples name. It feems more, as it were to reprefent Chrift in fpeakingthen to fpeak to Chrift whilewe reprefent but the peo- ple.And thereforeby this argument you fhould let noman preach neither,but bya book prefcribed. 3.God isnot as man,that looks molt atoratory and fine words.It is an humble,contrite,faithfull, honeft heart that he looks at: And wherebe fees this,with earneft delires, and that the matterof Prayer is agreeable to his will, be will bear withmany a homelyword.One Cold requeft,or the left formality anddulnefsofaffection,and carelefnefsand difefteem of the mercy,ismore odious with God,then a thoufand Barbarifms, andSolmcifms,and unhandfome words.Yet the tongue alto fhould carefully be lookt to:but men fhould not miftake themfelves,and think that God judgethby the outward appearance, and : man judgeth,4.Still I fay,get Minifters that are able todo better if you have infufficient ones. A man on a common prayer-book is likelier to provoke God, by a carelefs, heartlefs, cuftomary fervice, and weer lip labour, let the the words be never fo exact, thenanother (that fears God) is like to provoke him by difor- desly orunhandfomc words : Though both should beavoid rd. D chi Cbje&ö.