(39°) Obit& Obje& 5 Our minds arenot able toga alongwith a lilinfler os the fodder:, unIefs wi knewwhat be will falbefire hand. 4nfw. A diligent foul that inarketh what is laid, may with holyaffations go along with a Minifter without knowingwhat he will fay before hand. The experienceof Chrittiansconfuteth this objefition. 2. And this would not only plead for a fOrMjnit fhtleout all -other prayer : which is fufficient todifgrice it with any underflanding man. ohi.:a. 6. Objca, 6. The publickTrayer; of the Church are they that we mull own by our concurrence : Hi, own conceived Prayers are but the Private Prayers of the Minifler. Anfw. The Minifler is a publick perfon , and his prayerspublickly made for 'and in theChurch,are as much the Publidkprayers of' that Church as ifthey were read òutof an Impofect Book : But indeed when many Churches Agree in a form, that form may fo far becalled the Ciirnmon Prayers ofall thofe Churches: but its no more the publick Prayers of any one Church then fudden conceivechpraV.. er is. And when there is no formi yet the matter' may 'be the Common Prayer of all Churchci. A obia. 7. objeet.7. Bui what confotfion willit make in the Church ifOle Congregation fball have a Form, and anothernone, andevery man fhall be left to do what he lift in Prayer? ../infw. This is thevoice of that Ignorance, Pride, and Diyî . ding ufurpition that hath caufed all the Schifms and troubles of the Church. Mull the Churches have rio Peace but on your impofed terms ? 'Mutt none be endured, but all call out of the Churchof Godthedare not fayyour forms ofprayer,though they are as wife and pious and peaceable as you ? Nothing but Proud arrogancy and uncharitable crueltywill fay fo. 2.But ifwe mull :needs all Agree in the manner of our Prayers, we mull (hut out all forms, and agree all to be without them ( which yet I rodent not to. ) For there is no one Form that you can cape that all (hould agree in , thats of humane invention : Not but that we may well do it : but it will not be. 3. How had the Church Unity before any of your forms were known ? 4. If it beno blemifh for feveral Nations to have feveral Forms , and manners -it is tolerable for feveral Congregations, 5. How did the Ancient Churches maintain their Unity, when Liturgies were in ufe and the varietywas lo