Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5151 .B3 1659

C39Z) The fuanm. FIE fun" id this,, I. We havealready a flinted Liturgy. i . 4 formof Do'cirine in Scripture, 2: Real formi in Sa- craments 3. A verbalform in Baptizing, 4. Aform indelivering theLords Snapper. 5. ACreed (nfedat Baptifm) as aform of refiaés corns confe gin. 6. We Read the Pfalms As Liturgical firms ofpraife of Care- and prayer. 7. We have forms of finging Pfalms. 8. we have earns, aform of blefsing thepeople in the End. 9. AndofExcommuni- cation (fee theGovernment of the Church, &c.) 10. And of Ab- folution. I I. And ofMarriage. 12. And Miniflers prepara- tion makes much of their Sermons a form. 13. And they are at liberty to prayin'a form if theyPleafc. 2. No more is necefary (of it felf) unlefs ( accidentally) Authority or Peace, &c. require it. 3.1f Peace, &c. require a form,letit be one,by common Agree- ment Ai neer as may be taken out of Scripture, even in words, andus much of the old as is confilleut with this Rule retaineet 4. Let it not contain any doubtfull or unneceffary things , but be asmuch certain andneceffart'for the matter as may be. 5 . Let none be forced to safe it, but fuch as by Ordainert or Approvers, are judged infufficient to worfhip Godwithout it , and yet are allowed or Tolerated in the.Miniflry. 6. Let no ToleratedMiniflers be Abfolutelyforbidden to life it. 7. Let none be fuf Bredto lay the 'Unity andPeaceof the Church on it, andfufpend, excommunicate or reproachall that di lentfrom them in ufingor not ufing it. 8. In times of Liberty, let none rifeit conflantly (bat the unab'e before excepted.) But let the wearer tsfe it oftxer, and theablerfa- dower, yet fometimes (voluntarily,aud c teris paribus, fill/ looking to the fareof their flocks,andfitting all to their Edification.) 9. When Magiflrates command it, or the Agreement of Paflors and Peace of the Cburehes(though accidentallyby mens infirmity ) require it, let none refute thefrequent rife o(lawfullforms. o. But let none defire or endeavour the introducing ofany fach ,IV(eceJtyofthis or any indifferent thing;tbat is not firft'Neceffary bye form confderable antecedent occafon to the Edification of the Church. This much wi'lple+tefe the moderate, but not the f if conceited. FINN.