0 395 ) Q.,. Whether HumaneCeremonie. be Neceífary or Profitable to th(. Church L Vi /linFlions andPropofitions in order the Veci/on. o I,,. 4.4 : e4,. F, "N% HE difcuffion of the Controvert --.A -"\ ' fie abbut the Etyniologie of the,: t '/4 1 word ['Ceremon), ] is unnecef.,_ fary to our ends , and would i,/- be more troublefome then ufefull r j Whether it be derived ab oppidsC4 nI'sfr¡,p _',f re,or acarendot or à Caritate,' or à Cerere,as feveral mens conje eures run , or rather as Scaliger and Martinins think, fromCeram, which in veteri lingua Brat fantt: s;it fufceth us that it fignifieth a facred rite. Servius faith that all facred things among the Greeks were called °PYia, and among the Latines Ceremonia But by Cercmonierwe tnean only external Rites or Orders in or about the worfhipof God. And by Humane , we glean. filch E : e z as