( 396 ) as are deviled andappointed to be ufed,by rnen,withòut any fpe= dal Revelation from God, or any extraordinary infpiration of his Spirit, byWhich the inftitution might have been juftly afcri. bed to God as the certain principal caufe. §. z. There is fo much ambiguity partlyin the terms and partly in the fuppofedor implyed paffages that will rifebefore us in the difpute,'that I judge it neceffary to make the way to the true decifionofthe controverfie,and your right underftandingof it by theft diftinttions following, and then to lay down the truth -. in certain PropofLions. §. 3. Dift. i. We muff diftinguifh between fuchCeremonies as God' hath left to humane determination in his worfhip, and fuch as be hash not fo left ; but hath either a . Exprefly for- bidden them inparticular. 2. Or in a General prohibitionfor bidden them, or 3 . Hath given no man authority to inflitute them. Sogreat difference is there between things thatcommon- ly go under the name of Ceremonies, that they are not in this Controverfie to be confounded,ifwe would not lofe the truth, §. 4. Dift. 2. We muff diffinguifh between Ceremonies coma mended by man as inGods name,and by pretence ofa (ommiffîoas. from him ; and fuchas areonly commanded in mens ovennames, . or at leadon pretenceofnothing but a General `Power. . 5. Dift. 3. Wemuff diftinguifh between Ceremonies corn; mandedbymen as neçeffary deitiesor means of worfhip, and fuch as are only commanded as indifferent things. §..6. Dift. 4. We muff diftinguifh between Ceremonies im- poled bya'Lawfsill Magïftrate, or Church-Governoters,and fuch as are impofed by eifurpers, or men without authority. §.7. `Dift. 5. We muff diftinguifh between Ceremonies ¡ma pofed as Oniverfallyto be pratlifedby all ages, or all people,in theChurch at leaft, and fuch as are impofed only on forne one Congregation or Nation by their proper Governours, and that as things mutable; that upon fsecial occafion were taken up, and may fo be laid afideagain. g. S. Dift. 6. Wemuff diflinguifh between Ceremoniescorn- snanded asvehings neçeffary to the being of the Churchor Worfhip, or only neceffarj to the Order and - convenient adminiftratìon,_ and better being ofthem (in the judgement ofthe impofers. ) §. 9. ,Di /. 7 We molt difinguifb between.the abfolute com- mand