0q7 ) mind ofGovernors impofing fuch ceremonies; upon grievous penalties, or without tolerations ; and the fimple recommend- ing them, or requiring them to be ufedwith(expref ed or imply- 0) exceptions. §. ro. DO. 8. We mull very much difference the feveral Countreys where fuch things are impofed, and the feveral forts of People on whom, and the fveral feafons in which they are impòfed, and thence forefee the effeäs -or confequents that are like to follow. §, r r. Dift. 9. We mulldiftinguifhbetween the Commanding offuch Ceremonies, and the ObeyingoffuckCommands. Its one thing to ask whether it be neceffary, profitable, or lawful{ to Impofe them ? and anotherWhether it be neceffaryor lawful! to ute them when commanded ? ro. We mull diflinguifh between that which isNeceffary or Profitable to the order or Peaceof one Church or Nation : and that which is limitaryor profitable to the order, peaceor unity ofmany Churches or Natians,among thernfelves or ftïppofed to be fo. §. a 3. ThefeDiflindions premifed to remove ambiguity; I laydown that which I conceive to be the truth in thefe Propo- ftions following; which having mentioned, I íhall re- affumme and confirm fuch ofthem as feemofneereft concernment to the Qettion, §. 14. Prop. r. Such Ceremonies as Godbathwholly exempted fromhumane power to determine of, or infuture, or bath given man na power to in]itute, arenot neceffary, or profitable to the Church, nor may they lawfully be inftitutedby man. §. is. Prop. 2. In fuch rsnlawfull Impofitions, it is a great aggravation of thefin, ifmen pretend that they are the Inflitutions ofGod,erthat they have aCommmifonfromGod to inftitute or impofe them,whenit is nofuchmatter ; andfopretend them to be Divine. §. 16. Prop. 3. Ifthings unlawfull (eitherforbidden, or that want authority) arecommandedas indifferent, it is aafull com- mand,but ifcommanded as parts ofGods worfhip or neceffary to the Being or well being of the Church, it is anaggravation of the fin. §. 17. Prop. 4. Things indifferent , lawfisll and convenient, arefsnfislly Commanded when they arepretended to lit more neceffa- ry then they are, andasfuch impofed. ]Eee 3 g. ilk. A