(39g ) §.18. Prop; 5. A thing convenient and profitable, is fiufdlly commanded,when it is commanded ona greaterpenaltj,xhen the na- tare and fifeofit cloth require, andthecommongoodwill bear. . .Prop.6. It isnor lawfullte make any:bìng thefubjt(hDuty by aeommand,that is meerly Indifferent ,antecedently,botlsluit fclf, and as cloathed withallaccidents. §. 20. Prop. 7. Some things may be lawfully and profitably commanded atone timeandplace,and toone fort ofPeople, that may not be lawfully commandedat another time, or toanother people s_ no nor obeyed, iffo commanded. §. 2 I. Prop. 8. Thofe Orders may be Profitable for the Peace of the Churches in one Nation, or under the Government of one Prince, that arenot neceffary or profitable in order to the unity or Peaceofthe Churches under divers Princes. §. 22. Prop. 9. There is no weer humane Vniverfal Sove= raign Civil, or Ecclefiaflical over the Catholick,. Church, and therefore there isnopowergiven to any from God ,. to make Lows that jball univerfallybind the Catholick Church. §. 23. Prop. i o. If it be not our ownLdwfull Governors Civil or Eccle faflical, but Vfterpers thatcommandus,weare not .there- fore kund toobey them, though the thingsbe lawful'. §. 24. Prop. r I. The Commands oflawful! Governors about lawful' Cer'rmoniesare ordinarily to be underflood with exceptions, though there be none exprefi as that in certain cafes it is not their will thatfrech commands fhouldbindus. g. 25. Prop. 12. It may very finful tocommand fome;Cere- monies, which may lawfully, yea muffinduty be soledby the fubjetl 71hen they arccommanded. §. 26. Prop. 13. Though theyare not Commanded, nor called .Necefart', but profiled to be indifferent, yet corf'antly to ufe cif-rent things.,: cloth breed that euflome which rna(keth them to be tak,nas neceflary by the people, andofeallr lothvery much hurt. § 27. Prop. 14. Yet certain thingsthat are commonly called Ceremonies may lawfully be tiled in the Church upon humane impo'. /tion, andwhen it is not aping the Law of god, no per /n fhoulci dfbbey the commandsoftheir lattfull Governors, infilch things. §. 28. Having laid together thefe Propofitions, I îhá1! review them, in a very thort explication and confirmation, and insit. more !aj'ge 'on"those ofchief concernment. ., CHAP.