Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5151 .B3 1659

399)- 44414MOVM-faVVIN CHAP. II.. Such ceremonies as God hath fórbidden, or given i=nan. no Power to/in1litute, are not to be impo fdon the Church, as prófrtable or lawfùll. 1. . fi HAT fome.Ceremonies (thingscommon- ly fo called) may Lawfully be 'cofnmand- ed, and foamnot, me thinks fhould ealìly be yielded. I meet with none that are r \ againft all indeed, though fame think the name [ Ceremony] unfitly apply ed to thofe Circumflances which they content to : And that any fhould think that the wit and will of Ceremonie-makers bath no bounds impofed by God, is moll unreafoñable. All the bufì nefs therefore is to know what God bath authorized Gover- nors to inflitute, and whatnot ? g. 2. And here they that claim a Power of introducingnew Inilitutions, muff produée their Commifiion, and Prove their power if they expect obedience. For we are not bound to obeyevery man that will tell us he bath fuck Power. g. 3. For the right underfianding ofthis, it muti be fuppofed, as a Truth thatall Proteftants are agreed in, that the written word of God is his law for the government of the univrfal' Church to the end of the world ; and confequently that it is fufficient in its kind,and to its ufe, and confequently that nothing is to be introduced, that fhall accbfe that law of imperfeâion, an which did , belong to God ,himfclf, to have . impofed by,