(404) . ;n feverall cafes about bis worfhip, (as in Confefïion ofour fns;, inProfeflion ofour faith, in choofingof ourPallors, in Content- ing to the caftingout, or taking in, or reftoring ofmembers, in, renewing proraifes ofobedience, and the like) bath hereby made a Profe neceffary ingeneral, and fo bath made it our duty to, lignifieour Content in all thefe cafes, by force convenient ftgn. For mans mind is not known to others, but by figns. But he bathnot tied us absolutely toany particular fign. If a-Con.felli- on offaith be read, and weare called to lignifie our Con lent, or if evearecalled to.ligniñe our Confent tobe Church members,or- to be guided byour Paftors,or fubmit toDiscipline ; God bathnet tyed us in fuck Cafes, whether we {hall lignifie this Content by fpeaking, or byfubfcribingour name.t (Ifa.. 44 3, 4, 5.) or by lifting up the hand, or by laying it ona Book, (as in fwcaring or by f anding up, or fuch like. A fuficient lignification or Pro, felon of our minds is necefl'ary ; but the fpecial sign is left to our own,orour Governors determination. Of which .I Tail fpeakmore anon. g. I8. To this end,andon these terms was thefign ofthe Crofr toted heretofore byChriftians, and to this end they ufed (landing in-pnblick zrsorjki7 every Lords day ( forbidding. kneeling,) and afterward flandirog upat the Creed:as alfoadoring with their faces towards the eafl, &c.They ufed thefe onlyas fgnifications oftheir own minds,infteadof words ; As the Prophets of old werewont byother figns, as well as words to prophetic to the people.. And as Eufebius tells us how C'onflantine meafured the length and bredthofa man on the earth withhis (pear, to tell the Covetous how littlemuft ferve them ( only a gravepace) after death. And I darenot condemn the Cautelous ufe of fuch Profeílin.g- figns as thefe : Thoughthe tongue be the chief inftrument, yet not the only infirument toexprefs the mind ; and though words be the ordinary fign, yet not the only fign.. Dumb men snkß fpeak by other figns : And u1ually more filent figns are linter for Afiemblies, to avoid difïurbance : And fometimes more Per, arranent.figns (asfubfcription, or a florae or pillar of Remem- brance, as yefh.. 24, &c. )are more desirable. And this is left to humaneprudence.-. g. z9, And therefore I durffi not have reproved 'any of the andent.Cbriftiaaas, that ufed the fign of the CrofF,, meerly as a Pr.ofe ng,