(4 ) giver: 2. They make himfelf, or his Apoftles, or both to have been tanners. 3 . They condemn the Catholick Church of fin. 4. They condemn the Canons of the Chief general Councils. g. And then ifthe Bithops themfelves in Council fhould change the gefture, it were unlawful! to obey them. All which are confequents that I fuppofe they will difown. What a perverfe prepofterous Reverence is this? when they have leave to lie in the dull before and after the very ad ofreceiving, through all their confefílons and prayers, yet they will at other times nand, and many ofthem fit at prayer, and fit at Pinging Pfalms of Prayer and Praife to God, and yet when Chrift Both invite them to a feaft, they dare not imitate his Apofiles and univerfal Church in their geflure, left they fhould be finfully unreverent. g.42. But yet, as finfully as this Geflure was impofed,for my part I did obey the impofers, and would do, ifit were to do again, rather then difturb the Peace ofthe Church, or be depri- ved of its Communion. For God having made feme Geflure neceffary, and confinedme to none, but left it to humane Deter- mination, I (hall fubmit to Magiftrates in their proper wort, even when they mils it in the manner. I am not lure that Chrift intended the exampleof himfelf andhis Apoftles as obliga- tory to us that fhall fucceed. I am lure it proves fitting law- ful : but I am not lure that it proves it neceffary : (though very convenient) But I am fore he bath commanded me obedience and peace. §,43 , 3 and for the Ring in Marriage, I fee no reafon to fcru- ple the iawfulnefs ofit : For though the Papifts make a Sacrament ofMarriage, yet wehave no reafon to take it for any ordinance ofDivine worfhip : any more then the folemniziug of a con. trail between a Prince and People. All things are fandified and pure to the Pure: but that doth not confound the two Ta- bles, nor make all things to be parts of Worship that are fandifi ed. The Coronation of a King is fandified as well as Marriage and is as much a Sacrament as Marriage, and the Ceremonies of it might as well be fcrupled : efpecially when God doth feem to go before them by the example of Anointing, as if he would confine them to that Ceremonie ; which yet was none of his intent , nor is it much fcrupled. ç. 44. 4. And though the taping of an 04th be a fort of Ggg z worfhip,