FIVE DISPUTATIONS OF Church-government, A N D WORSHIP. I. Whether it be Neceffary or Profitable to the right Order or Peace of the Churches of England , that we Reflore the extruded Epifcopacy ? Neg. I I. Affert. Thole who Nullifie our prefent Miniflry and Churches, whichhave not the Trelatical Ordination , and teach the People to do the like, do incur the guilt of grievous Sin. III. An Epifcopacy defirable for the Reformation, Prefervatien andPeaceof the Churches. I V. Whether a Hinted Liturgie or Form of Wor(hip be.a deftre- able meansfor the Peaceof thefe Churches? V. Whether Humane Ceremonies be Neceffaryor Profitable to the Church ? By 7"chard Baxter. LONDON, Printed by R.W. for Nevil Simmons, Bookfeller in Kederminfler, and are to be fold byhim there, and byThomas Johnfon at the Golden Key inSt. Faith Church-yard, z 659. At 4.s. 6.d. bound.