Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5151 .B3 1659

C`gs) Pelf, in raying the Paftors were degraded or fufpended, as to the exercife of fo great a part of their work , and yet fay here,& Pref. to the Reformed Paftor, that the Power of Difcipline was given theme ] Anfw. T. in their ordination the Be/hops fad to them [Receive the Holy. Ghoft : whole fins thou doft remit they are re- mitted ; whore fins thou doft retain they are detained.] And in theBook ofordination it was asked ofthem [Whe- ther they would give their faithful diligence always to adminifter the Doctrine and Sacraments, and the Dif- cipline of Chriff as the Lord path commanded, and as this Realm hath received the fame according to the Commandements of Gode] And the Rubrick of the COMM") Prayer Book enabletb the Curate to adnaoni/b open and notorious evil livers by whom the Congregation is offended , and thofe that have wronged their neighbors, that they come not till they haveopenly declared that they have repented and amended.] But r. This doth but ferve to leave themunexcufable, that acknowledged Difcipline to belong to the office of a'Presbyter,whenyet he might not ex= ercife it. The Bjfliops in the ordinationof Presbyters enabled_, them ro preach the Gofpel : Andyet they were after that forbidden to preach till they had a Licenfe ; and it was put into the Pifitation Articles, toprefent thofe Minifters that preached without Licenfe. If they will deny us the exercife ofthePower that they rfl confefs belongeth to our office, we are riot anfwerable for their felf- contradiclions. 2. By Difcipline l fuppofe they mean but our Inflru- thon,and our publrlhing their Orders for Penance, Excoria- munication, or .Abfolution. 3. They were the judges of thefenfe ofthe Laws,asfar as the execution required : And the Vniverfal t'raUice of England, with their writings, )(hewed us, to our co/l, their judgement. What good would it do, tss, if the Law had beeï on oar fide, wliilethe Concur- rent