Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5151 .B3 1659

06) rent Tudgementsand Practice of the Governors denyed it, and went againfl it. 4. He that had kept a nunfrom the Sacrament, according to the plain words of the Rabrick, was to have been accountable for it at their Courts, and fò likely (if be hadbeen a man of feriotts piety, andnot a per- favor of Puritans) to havebeen undone by it, andwas like tO make fo littleofit, as to the Ends of Difcipline (all men being compelled by the Prefentments to receive the sacra- ment) that I never knew one (tomy bell remembrance) in 25 years time that hivedunder theEilhops, that was kept from the Sacrament, except a Puritan that fcrupled to take it kneeling. And what was this to true chtsrchGo- vernment ? Se& 17. objet!. But either they did it accon: ding to the eftabliíhed Law, ornot : if they did , the fault was in the Law, and not in them : If they did tranfgrefs the Law, then the fault was in mens abufe, and the Law and Order cannot be blamed. Anfw. A fad cafe topoor ignorant miferable fouls, that they mutt be left in obflinacy, and deprived of Gods means of Refor- mation without Remedy, becaufe either the LaW or fudges mull be excujed. 7'he fudgesare the mouth of the Law to tts : that is Law in the ifJue to us which thefunanimoully call Law. 1f thefault were in the Law, it was time it Ihould be altered : if it was in the Eifhops univerfally, it was time they fhouldbe altered. Let us but have a Remedy, and en- joy Gods ordinances, which he that is the Churches Head andKing bath appointed for our benefit, and we have done. Se& 18. ogee!. But may not Bifhops when they Ordain, Delegate what meafure of Minifterial Power they pleafe e and if you never received more , why fliould you ufe it e Anfw. A pear reliefto theforfakth Church : Depriveher ofGovernment, and then tellus that we