Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5151 .B3 1659

) melt , is much to be defired and earneffly to be endeavoured. Prop. z. A certain Epifcopacy may beyielded to, for the Peace ( ifnot for the right order) of the Church. Prop. 3. The Diocefan E1ifcopacy which TV lately in En. land,and is now laidby may not lawfully be re-a(fumedor re ad witted, as ameans for theright Order Or 'Peace ofthe Church. s.For the firll of thefe,1 think it e ifìe to prove that we ought to Peek an Agreement in the Epifcopal controverfie, with thofe that differ from us in that point. For, r. They arebrethren, of the fame faith with us, whom we are bound tó love and honour, and therefore to ufe all juil means for peace with them. If we mull as much as in uf lyeth, if pcfble, live peaceably withall men, Rom. r 2.iß. much more with Brethrenof the fame family and profefhon. z.. They are very many ; and the far greateft (though not the Curefl) part of the Church is of their mind : All the Greek hurch, and the EthiopianChurch, and the Jacobites, Armeni- ans,and all other parties without the verge of the Reformation from Popery here in theWell, that ever I read or heard of, are all of that way , betides all the Romane Church : And,though I know that much ignorance , and imperfeftion, ifnot fuperfti- tion.and fouler errors may be juflly charged on the Greek, Ethi- opian, d'c. Churches, as well as on Rome (though not Popery it- fclf) yet I think there is fcarce a good Chrifhian that is not unwilling tocall off fo great a part of the Church of Chrill, as thefe are. Indeed, he that dares fo far defpifeall theChurches of Chrift on earthexcept thefe few that are happily reformed as to think that it is nodutyofours, to leek unity and peace with them,by all jufl means,I think is no meet perfon for us to difpute with; It-is the hainous fin of Rome, to defpife and unchurch Greeks, Ethiopians, and all fave themfelves, which I`hope Pro- teflants will never imitate, who have juftly condemned them fo deeplyfor it. La the Donatifts fliut up the Church of Chrift in Africa, and call the reff Cecilians ; and let the Papills reduce into the fubfcribers to their Trent confeffion, or to than on- ly that believe in the Popes univerfal Headfhip andGovernment, and call all others Hereticks : yet will all true Catholicks imitate 4pagufine = and the Councils that were called againfl the Dona- wilts who flill defcribedtheCatholike Church tobe that which