Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

C9') `fient acts: A thing that I once thought i fhould never byman have been put to prove. Treat. pag. i ; o. Itstrue at theby of .7ud eraient there will be a folemn andmore compleat7ufitfying of ur,aa I haveelfivhere /hewed, ...1.1sTiv. You have verywell (hewed it : and I take grateful ly that Lefture, and this Concefsion. Treat. pag. i 3 i. Indeedwe cannot then belaid to be juflified by Faith, &c. Hence tbir kind of Iufitfication will ceafe -io bets- ven ( as impling irr,perfection. Amp,. And I delire you to obferve that if it be nodif honour to Chriff, that we be there ( through his grace) ever- laftingly ¡unified without his Impu ed rrgheoufnefs, or pardon, or faith pro f ataro, it cannot be any difhonour co him here, that we fhould repent, and believe, and be fanctified, nor that thofe fhould be conditions of further mercy , and fufficient of them- felves to jußtifie as againff any falfe charge that we are Impeni- tent. unfanctified, Infidels. If a perfect cure difgrace not our Phyfttian then, fuse an imperfect cure and the acknowledgement of ít, is no difhonour toour Phyfician now. Treat. pag. 137. Thus all thole Arguments if we be flified byfaith, then by our own Work, and that thv r-s to give too witch to faith, yea more thenlima fay they do to work; , which they bold a condition of our 7ufiij cation ; .A7 there and the tke Objetlions vanifb ; beca efe we are not ju/lifled byfrith, as 7uflifv- cation confideredafiively, bert pafvely. Anfi. r. I yet think that I have faid enough in myprivate Pipers co you, to confu:.e the conceit of faith's being Pallive. 2. If I had not, yet you yield me what! delire : f faith as not, but Puffer, to our Juftification, then is is noefficient 1 r:ít=u- mental cause. For all true efficiency is by Anion. And fo you keep but a Metaphorical Inlirumens. But of this more hereafter.: N 2 Treat.