Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

ThePreface pers that I feat to him ( upon his importunity) printed without my confent, (which ifGod will, I (hallyet 'vindi- cate.) Andtherefore feeing that it is his way, I thought hemight do the like by other Papers , which formerly i hadwrote tohim on this fubjelt of lohification. vind therefore thinking it fitter that I fhoold publifly them ( of the tivo) then he,(i havelavedhim the charge ofprinting them, and annexed them to thefe. The fourth Difputation was added,becaufe it is the ve- ry heart of our controverfie, which ntofi ofour DifPotes about the infirumentall Caufalsty of Faith u to luflifl- cation, and the other Concomitant,arc refolved into. That the Reader may underhand there DO:stations the better, I _pall here at the entrance /hew him the face ofthe way that I maintain, and alpoftheway that I op-, pole. Theway that I plead for is contained in theje Propefi- tions. 1. Man havingbroken the LawofNature orworks, is loll, anddifabled to his own Recovery,or todoanyworks by which that Lawwill ever juflifiebins, 2.1efus Chrifl bathRedeemedhimfrom this loft con- dition,byhis Incarnation, Life,Death,Refurreclion,&c. fulfilling the Lint' by his obedience, andHering for our not fulfilling it, and thereby fatisfying the Lawgiver , andattaining theends ofthe Lan' ,andmore: making him- filf an example to us ofhdinefs, andbecomingour Tea- cher, High Priell and King, to lave us fromall fin and enemies, andrecover us to God,for our Salvation,andhis Glory and Pleafure. 3. The offices andWorks ofChrifi, are for other ends an well as for our jollification; even for our Stlaifick: ion, Glorification, &c. 46The Believer ought not to confound the offices,works,..- or