The Preface. er ends and effelts , but to ,apprehend them a diftlntfly_ ft$ he can. S. The fame Offices ofChrif are exerci fed in the ef- fecrting feveral works : He doth jufifie us both a rrief, Prophet andKing andhe fantirfleth its a Prieft, Pro - phet andKing, His Death parchafang both our juftifica- tion and fanFtifacation ; andhis Teaching *wing ups the way toboth, andhis Kingly Office conferringboth, though moll notably our juftification ; and the Prophetical 441- hag more ofour fanclifcation, thenofour ¡unification. 6, We muff havepart inChri f himfelf as our I ead,in order of Nature before we can partake of jufti ication, Sandification, (as following our frrft faith) or Glor,fib cationfrom him, 7. Though our Phyfical Communion with Chrifi is e f- fetied by a Phyfical change on the foal ; yet our Right to him andto Juflification, and other following benefits is the lea ofa free Gift, or Tefament, or Promife, and that Promifeorfree Gift is our 'Title,rwhichis Fundamen- tum juris, or the efficient Infirurnental caufe. 8. Chrif and pardon, or ¡unification, and ,Right to Heaven, &c. aregiven usby one and the fame Deed of Gift : fo that he that hash Right to Chrift bath by the fame Title& on the fame terms Right to therehis benefits. 9. This Promire or Gift is conditional ; though it be but the Condition ofa free Gift that is required. 10. No mangy works, Repentance or Faith is hisproper Title to pardon or life , nor any proper meritorious caufe of it ; nor any efficient , Principal or !granger-gal castes ofhis Right ; Noat of ours can be more then a meer con- dition of that Right ; and a Cau(á fine t uá. non (which, as it is an at that'spleating toGod,andhash the Prorrt-ifc of a Reward, the Fathers calledimproperly by the Name (aa)