(I08) fulfilleth the Laws condition cannot be called ungodly, nor be tuajuftifiabie by that Law. But he that performeth the Gofpel- Condition of liberation, may be called ungodly in the fenfe you nowmeritioc:ed, that is,uojullifìable immediatly for his works by the Law : or one tha t bath not an holinefs adequate to the Law. Though indeed he cannot be called Evangelically ungodly. I fuppole you clearly fee that your Argument makes as much againft any Condition of Juflification in us, as againft works being the condition. For againft faith it felf, being any Condi- tion,you may equally argue [ Its the ungodly that are jeiflifeed : But lee thatfallfalleth the conditions of puflifcation, is not to be calledungodly. Ergo, &c. ] But if you takeungodlinefs ( as you do ) for unadequate holinefs ( to the Law ) I denyyour Mi- nor. Can no man but the Perfetly obedient, perform the con- dition of pardon in the Gofpcl ? Treat. ib. So that this L. very con fderable, that allthole *hom Godjnflifletb, hejuffifaith themnotfor any thing theyhave oftheir Dien, or any conditions they haveperformed ; but as filch whoare finners in aflriEl examination, and fo4eferve condemnation, and therefore no Works of grace are lookedupon. adnf*. I haveanfwered this fully in Colvintes. I. Though Proteftants oft fay, that God favetb menfor their obedience and Scripture life the term [ becarefe ] oft , yet I am willing to yield toyou that menbe not faved nor julifled for any thingof their own, or for any conditions : But yet he would mast jafli_ fie them without the performance : of Tome conditions ; but would condemn them for the non-performance evenwith a fpecial condemnation, diftinet from that which is for their fns . againft the Law. 2. Colvinus was the f rft man , and you are the fecond that ever I read (tomy remembrance) laying that God juftifteth: men asfnners. A quaoentes ad timevalet co:jeqtAtia. If asfin- tiers then all(inners are jufti, ed. If not as Performers of any Condition, then, not as Believers ä Thefe things want proof,. Treat.