Treat. Tut if this be feriostflj thought on, it mares flrongl againfl them ; for the Apoflles Argument it à Genere : if it be by Work,, it; ofDebt : therefore there arenot worksof Debt,and 'Work, of no Debt. e4nfw. I. If the Aponte argue d çenere, then he argueth not from anEquivocal term ; and therefore of no works but what fall under his Genus. 2. And the Apotties Genus cannot be any thing meerlyPhyfical, becaufe his fubje& and difcourfe is moral : and therefore it is not every ati that he excluded]. 3. Ivor can it be every Moral Ad that is his Genus but only work, in the notion that he ufeth the word ; that is , All fuch Works as Workmen do for hire, who expect to receive wages for the worth or defert of their works. I (hall therefore here confuteyour afl'ertion and fhall prove that All work, do not make the Reward to be of `Debt andnot of Grace : and confequently chat Paul meaneth not either every. A&, or every Moral Ad, here ; but only works fuppofed Re- wardable for their value : (What you mean by Work, of Debt, and Work, net of Debt, I know not : they are not Scripture words, nor my words; For Bill I fay All Good works are of Debt to God fromman.) Argrimoet I. Ex natura rei ; There are manyMoral Ads that mike not the Reward frommen to be of Debt, and not of Grace : Much' lets will fuch Works make the Reward from God to be of Lebt, and not of Grace. The Confequence is grounded on thefe two or three Reafons. e. God is infinitely above us ; and therefore lets capable of being obliged by our works then man. 3. God is our abfolute Proprietary , and we are whollyhis ; and therefore we can give him nothing hut his own. 3. God is our Supreme Redor and we arebound to a perfect fulfilling of his Law : and we are finners that have broak that Law, and deferve eternal death : therefore we are Je cap ble. of obliging him byour works as our Debtor, then- of obliging men ( and indeed uncapable. ) 4. Gods Reward. is Eternal Flory, and mans is but Tome tranfCory thing :there- fore we are lets capable of making God our Debtor for ]uaiffi cation; MI