Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

The Preface. to principal part of its Aptitude ultimate endbefore hat God (hold prefer mar; bimfeíf. 13. Though the Reafon why Faith is made by God the condition of ouru /fijcation , mu/ partly be fetebt from the Nature of Faith, which force call its Inftru- mestalltty in apprehending Chrifi, yet the Reatanwhy we are Juftified by Faith, mull be fetched from the Teneur of the Promife andWill of the Promifer. So that though the Remote Reafon be that Aptitude of Faith, which is the Difpofi materix; yet theformal neereft Reafon is, becaufe Godbath made it the condition of the Gift, which (hall fuf]end the efficacy till performed, and when per- formed, the benefitMall be ours. 14. As Faith path its denomination from fome one or few acts, whichyet fuppofe many as concomitant and con fequent : So thole concomitant and confeyuent Aits have their anfwerable place and Interefi in the forefaid Conditionality, as to our part in Chilli and 5ufiifica- tion. 15. e../ nd therefore it was not the Apofiles meaning to fet Faithagainfi thefe concomitant alts, ( as Repen- tance, hope in Chrifi, delire ofChriff,love to Chri ft,&c.) and to exclude thefe under the notion of Works : but con- trarily to fruppofe them in their order. 1 ó.The burdenforme works of the Mofaical Law, fuppo ed tobe fuch as from the dignity and perfeciion of that Law) would jufiifie men by procuring pardon of and acceptance withGod , are they that the Jews oppofed to Chrifis Righteoufnefs and fufirfcation by Faith , and which Paul di//iutethagainfi , and confequently ag infi any works, or acts, or habits of our own, oppofed to aril', or this way of free jutification by hirn. ( a 3) . The