lation our actions have to that which is part, but to that which is future. Or elfé you mean the fubjet1 al to be 7ufiifaed at 7tadge. rent, or, here. to befa continued.And then the quetlion Hill remain- eth, wh.ther thole qualifications are means or no means ? An iftntans, of that fort, if not conditions? Treat. pag. 23 . The fixth ti,irgunses,t : IF7,:gll;f -ation be by works as a:conditicn,, then one roam is more orCep 7,0ifed then another.; andthole works are required to one mans 711fifisati- on which, arenot to arnther, fa thatthere 'Minot be two godly men in the.World Yuflifaed:alike. For iffaith jes lified as a work, then be that had, a f, wouldbe more Zuflifaed then he that hath.a.weak;®r. Anfwer. Firfl, I grant the conclufion , if you had taken Works in Pauli fence, for the works of a hiding, or any that are fuppofed to,juftif#e by their value. Secondly, I deny your firíf confequence : And ¡-give you the reafon of my denyal (I hope a little better-then yours for the proof of it,) Firft, It is not,the .degvee of Repentanceor Obe- dience that is made the Condition of our continued and final juíhiftcation-: but theSincerity. Now the fincerity is the fame thing in one as, inanother ; therefore one is no more juflified hereby then another. Secondly, You might as well fay, that different degrees offaith, make different degrees of juflifica- tion. But, that isnot juft, becaufe it lies all on the fincerity; therefore it is as unjufl here for the ,fame - reafon. Your Reafon isfuch as I expel ed not from you. [ For if .Faith( fay you) ju/lifie as a. 'work ) But who faith it do :h jtP fiifae ac awork? Your Reader that fufpeð nothing but fair in your words, may think I do; 'when I have again and again in;sdifavowed it. And do you think it is a cogent -rea- fon indeed, [ If works or faith .jufiißt as a cond=tion, there Will be various degrees of7uftification : Becaufe if it juflife as a work, . there will be various degrees.] The reafon of the Confequence is as Grange tome , as abactslo adangulum. Oncemore : Fa, Faith Both not juftifie as a Phyfical act : Secondly, Nor as a Moral aft, or virtue in antral.. Thirdly, Nor ai a mercenam ry.