( 151 ) r. The (cope of the Apof le Paul is to treat upon our yuftification before God, and what is the Inftret#ent and means ofobtaining it Rat the Apolle James takes yuftificationfor the Declara- tion andMamfeftation of it before men.-- .4nfVr. This is not the only fenfe of names (así have proved before, to which I referyou) no nor any part of the fenfe of the word 7uftifacation with him, though he mention /betting faith by works to men, as an argument for his main conclufion yet he nowhere exl%undeth the word Juftification by it. ?aloes exprefly fpeaks of Imputationof Righteoufnefs by God, and of that Juftification which is meant in the wordsof gen. concern- ing Abraham, even the fame words that Paul expoundeth; and of that Juftification which inferreth falvation. Treat. Paul informeth us thatfaith only juflifieth, and James, what kindoffaith it is, even a lively workingfaith. nfw. I have anfwered this in the beginningof this Difpu- tation. Treat. Itsfâid , They Aare not go againft the plainwords of the Apo. But its not the pnróv but Movoua, not the words but the fenfe e,fnfw. Our Queliion is, How the fenfe of (amer /hall be known ? Will you fay, not by the words, but by the fenfe ? The words are to exprefs the fenfe ; andwe muff take heed of forcing them as much as we can. As to your faying of the Anthropo- morphites, and Hoc eft corpus meum; I anfwer ., the Tropical fenfe is oft the plainelt; and inparticular in thefe infances. If any man point to feveral pictures and fay, This is Cafar,and this is Pompey, &c. I (hall by ufe of fpeech (the interpreter of words take the tropical fenfe to be the plainef} , and not the literal ; viz. That this is Cefars Image, and not that it is his perfon. And fo here. 2. Give me any cogent Evidence that I mu.lt leave the plait) fenfe, and I am fatisfieda 3 > Remember