Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

.r..-.. ( I ) participle oran adverb ; I pray you then why may not I fay, when I read in Korn. i o.9,that[!f thou eon fefr With thy month,and believe in thy heart, &c. ] that [ If ] is a conjun&ion con- . ditional ? Is this adding to the Scripture unjuftly ? If I did, when ever I read that we are ¡unified by faith, colleft thence that faith is an Inftrumental calife, as if by were only the note of an Inftrument, then youmight have accufed me ofunwarran -. table addition, or colletiions,indeed. Laftly, If you have a mind to it, I amcontent that you lay by the unfcriptural names (or additions as you fpeak ) of nouns, pronouns, verbs, antecedents, confequents, efficient, or mate- rial mutes, &e. and I will lay by the name of a condition, as you do of an Inftrument : and we will onlyde the Scripture phrafe, which is, Ifyou forgive men, your Father Will forgive you ; if we confeft onr fins, he it faithful! andjail to forgive we are juftifed,by faithWithout the works of the Law : A man i$ juflifeedby work,. andnot byfaith only : By thyWords thou fhalt be juftified. Every man (hall be judged according to his works, J atc.Let us keep to Scripture phrafe if youdefire it,and you fhall find me as backward as any to lay much firefs upon terms of Art. Having gone thus far; I (hall in brief give you a truer re- conciliation of Paul and lames then you here offer us. r. They debate different queltions. 2. And that with different forts of pe.rfons. 3. And (peak directly of different forts of works. 4. And fomeivhat differ in the fenfe of the wordFaith. 5. And fomwhat about the word Juftification. 6. And they fpeak of works iu feveral Relations to 'unification. I. The Queftion that Paul difputed was principally.Whe- ther juftlficatíon be by the works of the MofaealLaw, and confequently by any mercenary works , without Chritt, or in Coordination with Chriff , or any way at all conjunft with Chr4 ? The queftion that lanes difputed , was, Whe- ther men are ¡unified by meet believing without Gofpel- Obedi- ence ? , 2, The perlons that Paul difputed a ainft, were, s The unbelieving 7as, that thought the cstitofaical Law was of Inch