Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

060) tokMfftWitftttMAMAM MkOMPS9kNpW,:, Tear Sir. Have indeeddeclared to fome, who happily may have informed you of it, as I defîred, that there were fevcral Docîrinal points afferted in your Book, to which I could not pedibus ire, much lets corde ç fuck are many portions about Chrifts Righteoufnefs, about faiths Juftification in,your fenfe, and the Efficacy of newObe- dience in this work as well as faith. Yea Love made fome kind of the adings of Faith : The good old found definition of Faith waved, and a newone fubflituted. Not the Tocredere, but the operari alto called into Evangelical Righteoufnefs, and this made our perfonal Righteoufnefs. Thefe things and divers others do make me vehemently diffent from you in the matters afferted. Yet I do really honour you, for your great Abilities and zealous Piety,earneftly defiring of God that he would pro- long your life, and have mercy upon hss Church by fearing this Lc aphroditter. But whereas you have been told, that I had animadvertons on your Book, this was a miftake : for the truth is thoughI have cart my thoughts upon fome part of it, yet I have not any di- gefted or prepared confederations about it : but do defer Inch a work, till I fhall have opportunity to difcharge that part I have publiquely promifedabout imputed Righteoufnefs ; which Subject i cannot y et profecute, being hindred by other avoca- tions : It is true, I have had advertilement from fome honour- ed friends of mine at London, that it is expec`fed, I fhould do fomething in thofe points, becaufe by your Infcriptioñ of my name ( which I take as an A& of your real Love and refped to me) though I amunworthy of any filch Te.himony) they think