(i63 ) Cron of Faith is the fame "( in fence) with Dry , xefionr, Mr. Culverwell, Mr. Throgmorton Mr. Norton of newEngiand in his Catechifm, &c. O how it grieveth me to diffent from my Reverend Brethren ! Some report it to be a pernitious Book : others overvalue it, and fo may receive the morehurt if it be unfound. Truly Sir I am little prejudiced againft your Argnments ; But had rather return into the common road then not, if I could fee the Light of truth toguide me. I abhor affected fingularity inDoc`frine : therefore I intreat you again todefer no longer to vouchfafe me the fruit of one hours . labour, which I think I mayclaim from your Charity and the Intereft Cod bath given one member in another, and you (hall herebyvery much oblige to thankfulnefs 74n. 22. 1649. Your unWorthy fellowfervant *Richard B.txT E R. Ta rísy (wend and very much valued friend, Mr. -- ?`reacher of Gods Wordat Thee pretext. Dear Si, ir Receivedyour fetter, and I returned fome Anfwer by Mr, Bryan, vib that now the daies growing longerand warmer, I (hall be glad to take occafion to confer with you mouth to mouth about thofe things wherein we differ, for I conceive that tobe a far more compendious way, then by letters,whereinany mi lalte is not fo eafi rec` fied : I (hall therefore be ready co give you the meeting at Bremichan, any Thurfday you fhall appoint that may be convenient with your health ; that fo by an amicable collation, we may find out the truth. In themean Y z while