065 i 'iir, FOr the ogpreioht of your love in your two Letters, and youroffer to :meet me fir conference ; I return youhearty thanks. But I toldyou of my weaknefs, which is fogreat,thac I amnot able to travel,nor to difcourfe toany purpofe ifI were with you : a fewwords do fo fpend me ( exceptwhen I have a little cafe, which fats out perhaps once irk a moneth for a few hours unexpected) therefore I am refolved to importune you once again, and if you now denymen to ceafe my fuit. It is expected at London, Cambridge,C*c. that you write a confuted on,and you intimate your purpofe todo fo hereafter:which[ wilt not dill-wade you from, fo I might but feeyour Arguments,that before I dye, I might know whether I have erred, and not dye without repenting or recanting : and if I err not , that I might Blew you mygrounds more fully ; And if you deny this requeft to one that hath fo even unmannerly importuned you, and yet purpofe to do it, when I can neither be the better for it, nor defend my felf, you walk not by that Rule as I thought you Id, no do as youwould be done by But for mypart, I have done myendeavour for information, and fo have fatisfiedmy own eonfcience. For what thould I do ? There is none in this Country that wiP attempt a convincing of rae, by word or writing, nor for ought I bear, gainfay : and you are the nearer from whom I may hope for it In your laut you overpafs all the particularsalmoft touched inyour former, and pitch on Juftifacation by works. Where you mention Paid, attributing it toFaith, to which I have anfwered , and haveno Reply. i. Whereyou fay Pawl excludes the Co-operationofany other ; I anfwer, So do I. And of Faith too I deny the ope- rations as effettive. 2. When you fay, be excludes works under any notion , I anfwer. I. Would I could fee that proved. 2. Then howcan 7,019e/ fay true ?3.Then beexcludes faith un. der the notion of an Inftrument. 4. AndRepentance under Y 3 the