Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

dive 02áre tofaith ( and fo toman ) then T do, viz. to be the Infirument of his own 7ßflification, ( which "I will not contend againft with any that by an improper fenfe ofthe word Inftru- went, dodiffer only in a term) but what doyou give le(s to Pe- pentance,and the reft then I do ? you fay they are conditions,and I fa; nomore. Qu.8. And what do the generality of our Divines mean, when they fay that Faith and new Obedience are our conditions of ,the Covenant ? As I have cited out of `Pareos, Scharpius, W%llet, Pifcator, Junius, 4retios, Alfledius, who faith, the con- ditionof the new Covenant of Grace is partly faith, andpart- ly Evangelical Obedience, or Holinefs of life , proceeding from faith in Chrift. I)ifiintl. ¿'hap. 17. p. 73. And Wendelin the like, 6.e.-If it be laid that they mean they are conditions of Salvation, but nót of Jultification ; Then melt. 9. Whether and how it can be proved that our final Juftification at Judgement (which you have truly filmed is more compleat then this 7aaßifcatio vise,"and our Glorification have different conditionson our part, and fo of our perfevering Jutlificationhere. ell, io. And whether it be any lets difparagement to Chrift tohave mans works to be the conditions ofhis Salvation, then to be the bare conditions of his ultimate and continued Juftiñcation ? Seeing Chrift is a Saviouras properly as a Jufti- fier, and Salvation comprizeth ail. uefL c a. What tolearable fenfe can be given of that multitude of plain Scriptures which I have cited ? Thef. 6o, `For my parr, when I have oft ftudyed how ro forfake my prefent Judgement, the bare reading of the 35 of cMatthett' bath dill utterly filenced me,if there were no more. Much more when thewhole Gofpel runs in the like ftrain. knell. i z. Is not the fulfilling of the conditions of the new Lawor Covenant enough to denominate the party righte- ous, that is, not guilty of non - fulfilling, or not obliged to pu- nifhment, or guilty as from that fame Lawor Covenant ? And doth not every man that is laved fo fulfill the conditions of the newCovenant ? and fo is Evangelically righteous ? The con- dition is not Believe, andobey perfetl7, butfncerely. Quiff. ...