(1174) anteor Recumbency. Others in divers of thee. Some, ac Mr. &all , calling it a fiducial Affent. Others an obediential Affianced. Did not each of thefe forfake that which by the former was accounted the good found Definition ? And why may nor I with Dr. Preflon, Mr. Wallis, &c. fay it is an Ac- ceptance,orc nfent, joyned with l ffent?or with the Affembly,and .the re t, fay it is .a receiving, which is the farne in a moreMeta- phorical term. . .kere.1 2 If you judge as Melanchton, Sohn Creciui, Da- venant, erfinefm, &c. that Faith is in both faculties; how can you then over. leap the Elicite Ads of the will (which have re- fpe ± to means) Eligere, con/entire, raj ? Quell. 22. If the formal reafon of juftifying faith lie in a Belief or Perfwafion that Chrift will pardon and fave us : or in an Affiance or refting on him, or Trufting tohim only for Salvation : or in an Acceptance of him as a Savioùr, meerly to juflifie and fave from Hell : Why then are not almoit all among us juftified and faved ? when I fcarce meet with one ofanhundred,that is not unfeignedly willing:thatChrift fhould pardon, and juftifie, and fave them, and do verily truít, that Chrift will do it ; and the freerit is, the better they like it. If theymay whore anddrink,and becovetous,and let alone all the praáifeof Godlinefs,and yet be faved,they will confent. If it be laid thatthey real not on Chrift forTuftification fincerely;I Anf Theydo it really,and unfeignedly, and not diffemblingly, which as we may know in all probability by others , fo we may know it certainlyby our own hearts, whileunregenerate. So that it is not the natural, but the moral Tauth, that is wanting : And what is that ? And wherein is the Effential, formal difference between a wicked mans refting onChriff for Juttification, and a true Believers ? To fay it is teen in the fruits, k not to thew. the Effential difference. uefl. 23. If reftingon Chrift for Juftificationbe the only condition of'final 'jollification, What is the reafon that Perkins., .Bolton, Hooker,Preflon,Taylor.> Elton, iírhately, and all thegodly Divines alto yet living do fpend molt oftheir labour to bring men to obey Chrift as their Lord, andnot thehundreth lineor word to preis them toTrutt that hewill pardonand fave them? All the powerfull