powcrfull-Prrachers- that ever I heard, however they`"difpute yet when the}i are preaching to the generality of people, they zraioullycry down lazinefs, lukeaiarmnefs, negligence,unholy- nef,, prophanefs, &c. As that which would be the liklyeft caufe of the damnation of the people. But if only the forefaid faith be the condition, and all other Graces or Duties be but meer fignal eí%cisof this, and fignal qualifications of the Cub jet, and not fo much a, conditions, what need all this? Were it not then better to perfwade ail people, even when they are whoring, or drunk to trait on Chrift to pardon and juftifie them? And then when the have the tree and caufe, the fruits and fignal cffe9s will follow. &ueft. 24. Yea, Why do the beft 'Divines preach fo much againft Prefumption ? And what is Prefumption if it be not this very faith which Divines call juftifying ? viz.. the Trufting toChri(t for Pardon and Salvation only, without takinghim for their King and Prophet ? If it be Paid that this laft mutt be pre- lent, though not juftifie Hove can the bare prefence of an idle Accident fo make,or marr the efficacy of the caufe ? .ueft.z5.If to be unwilling that ChriR fhould raign over us, be part of the direly condemning fin, Luke 19. 27. why is not the willingnefs he fhould raign, part of 'laving, juftifying faith ? weft. 26. Seeing refting in Chrift is no Phyfical apprehen- lion of him ( who is bodily in Heaven) nor of his Righteouf- nefs ( which is not a being capable of Inch an apprehenfion ) Howcan that Resting juftifie more then any other Ad, but only as it is the condition towhich the Promife is made ? Refting on a friend for a Benefit, makes it not yours, but his gift does that. As Perkins ( cited by me ) To believe the Kingdom of France /hall be mine, wakes it not mine, : But to believe Chrijt, and the Kingdomof Heaven, &c. ( vid.loc. where he faith as much as I) vol, i. p. 66z. if God had not laid [ He that believetb Jhall be jgi-fied and Paved ,J would Believing have doneit And if he had laid, [ He that repntetb, or love:lo, or calleth on the name ofthe Lord, Jhall be jru/lifiedorlaved] would not theft have done it ? if fo then doth not faith juftifie directly, as the condition of the Gift, l'romife, or new Cove- nant ?