do wilfully millake. For is that the flare of the queflion with us ? Is it not this, whether the Gofpel Righteoufnefs be made ours, otherwife then by believing ? You fay by believing, and Obedience I fay only believing. I fay _faith is only the condition. juilifyifag or inftrument receiving, you make a . ;unifying Repentance, a ¡unifying Patience: )ou make other a &s of grace luftifying as well : fo that whereas heretofore; we onlyhad ¡unifying faith, now there are as many other qualities, and all ¡unifying, as there ate 'Graces. So that I do firmly hold ( and it needs no recantation ) that repentance and other exercifes of Grace are antecedent qualifications, and are me- dia ordinata, in the ufe whereof only pardon can be had. But what is this to you ? Who exprefly maintain the righteoufnefs of the Covenant of Grace to be made ours, upon our godly working , as well as believing. If therefore you had (pent your felt to {hew that faith had no peculiar Inftrumentality in our "unification, but what other Graces have, then you had hit the mark. What is more obvious, then that there are ma- ny conditions in jtßificato, which are not inattu ju!ïificationù ? The faftening of the head to the body is a neceffary condition in homine vidente, but it is not in atia videntie. You grant in- deed tome precedency to faith, but you make Faith and Works ague, though not equalizer, the conditions of Juflification. I fhould fay much more to the Rateofthe queflion,but I forbear. In other things you feem to cone off; and though I do not fay you recede fromyour 'Af ertions, yet youmuch mollifie them, that I need not therein contend with you. But here is the flick. Let it be demonftrated,rhat whereas the Scripture in the current of it attributes Juftbfication to believing only : as throscgb ffi'tb , and by Faith and through faith in his blood, that you can as truly fay, its received by love, and its through love of his blood filed for our fakes, ere. This is a littleof that muchwhich might be laid to the flare ofthe quefti- on. This I judge newDoarine, juflifyingRepentance, jufti- fying Charity. And in my Letter I laid down an Argument, mom. 4. Concerning Abrahams Juftification, the Pattern of all others. To this you reckon up many Anfwers, but I fee not the Argument (haken by it. Firft you fay;you exclude a co-ope- A a ration