(189) To that you fay out of Phil. 3.9. I believe Paul dotñ molt appofitely oppofe the righteoufnefs which is by faith to that which is by theLaw. But then i. He means not [ By faith as an inftrument of juftification] 2. Nor by faith which is but a meer affiance on Chrift for juftification, or only as fuch. 3. Nordoth he exclude Knowledge, Repentance, Obedience, &c. 4. Butto fay that righteoufnefs or juftification is dy love, or lyobedience, 0.c. Without adding anymore, is not a con-. venient fpeech, as it is to fay that righteoufnefs is: by faith. t. Becaufe the fpeech feems to be of the firft receiving of righ- teoufnefs, wherein obedience or works have no hand. 2. Be. caufe faith having molt clear direct relation to Chrift, doth mof# plainly point out our righteoufnefs to be inbim. 3. Becaufe faith as it is taken in the Gofpel, is a moft comprehenfive grace, con- taining many ads , and implying or including many others which relate to Chrift as the object alto. Even obedience to Chrift is implyed as a necefl'ary fubfequent part of the conditi- on, "icing faith is an acceptingof Chrift as Lord andKing, and Head, and Husband, as well as a jullifier. 5. Yet Scripture faith as well as I, that Chrift fball juftifieus Byhis knowledge,and we !hall be jnflifled by our wordy, and6y work,r ; and me thinks it fbould be no fin to fpeak the words of God , except it be (hew- ed that I mifunderfland them. It is not fo fir a phrafe, to fay that a poor ignoble woman, was made rich and honorable by her Love, or Obedience, or Marriage, faithfulnefs, and conju- gal actions, as to fay, i t was by marriage with fuck a Noble man, or confent to take him to be her husband : For the marriage content and Covenant doth imply conjugal affe- thon, a i4ion and faithfulnefs. Yet are there laft as flat conditi- ons ofher continuing her enjoyments as the marriage Covenant was offirft obtaining them. To my fecond Anfwer you Phew that Paul excludes works under any notion. I. From his oppofition between faith and works, where you fay I conrradiâ Paul aunison. To which I anfwer, to tiiftinguilh of Paul, ter s, and explain his, meaning in his own words is not to give a tertiu,s, or contradict ; but this is all that I do.I diftnguith ofthe word works ; fometime it is taken more largely for flas ray / ions, Bb .3 and