Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

C'94) not under every notion (I fpeak on your grounds. But ) becaufe you cold me before that I fhould have fpent my f1f gainft this Inftrumental;cy of Faith if ì would hit the mark ; I will (peak the more largely to it now : And i. Enquire whether videre, atsdire, be only GrammaticalA&ions (as you call them) and natural pa(iions ? 2. Whether Believing he fo, only ver- barna`Iivuno, but Phyfically paßîve-? And fo to !3elieve, is not arre, but pati or recipere ? ; . Whether faith be paflive in its 1nilrumentality? 4, Whether the fame may not be faid as truly of other Graces ? 5. Wheiher Faith be any proper In(Irument of our Juflification ? 6. If it were , Whether that be the primary formal Reafon of its juilifying ver- tue ? 7. Whether your Opinion or mine be the plainer or fafer ? And for the firft,I fhould not think it worth the looking after, but that I perceive you lay muchupon it, and that Philosophers generally fuppofe that the Sence and Incele& in this are alike; and for ought I difcern, it is filch a Pafsivenefs of the Incelleet that you intend : and therefore we may put alt together, and inquire whether videre & irt.elligere be only Pafsions ? And here you know how ill Philofophers are agreed among them- felves, and therefore how flIppery a ground this is for a man to build his Faith upon in fo high point as this in hand: you know allo chat HippJcrates, Galen, Plato, `l'lotinus with the genera- lityof the Pte tonifit are dire&iy contrary to you : you know allo that Alberto: MaQnur, and his followers judge fenfation to be an a9-ion, though they take the potentia to be pafíive. You know alto that Aq'sioae with his followers judge the very poten- tia to be aetive as well as paffive ; pa jr:ie while it rece;vet?) the ,lpecies ; and active, Dorn per ip/ans agit &. /enfationern producit. And.Tolet faith, that this is Scotus kit rentence, z, de Anima. q. I2. & Capreol. ferè cornmuni.t. I know Arinat faith that intelligere c i q,toddarn pui ; but he raked' patì in his third wide improper fente, as oeme qu d exit depotentia in atiurn, potefi dici pat; : z. q. 79 a. 2. C. An no doubt every fe- c ndcaufe may be laid to ("lifer even in its aeting,as it received' The Influx from the fkft, which it to al ; but it will not thence follow that the 7,3 videre, intelligcre eft forr»afiter pat; r