Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

( 195) cannot think that you deny the intedeattm agentern : and yotz know that generally Philofophers attribute Anion to the pffie ble Intelleft : and that 3andun. Apoll;na, mac. do accordingly make an Igent and patient fence and if the reception of the jpecies wereforma/iter vif'o intelleEfio ( which i believe not ) yet how hardly is it proved that the Organ and I ntelleé are on- ly pafsive in that reception ? Yea how great a,controverfie is it what the fenûible and intelligible jpecies are ? Yea and whether there be any fuch thing ? Whether they be an imageor fimiii- tude begotten or caufed by theObjee` , as Corbacchiut and molt ? which yet Suarez, &c. denyeth. And whether they flick in the air, and have all their Being fit(} there, as c.../14aa gyrttr, andother Peripatericks ? Or whether their tieing is on- ly in the eye ? as force later. Or whether it be Sir Ken. Dig- byes Atomes or number of (malt bodies which are in perpetual motion ? I doubt not you know that Ockam and Henrict s good- 4. q. 4. rejeft allfpecier as vain, and make the Intellect the only active proper cauleof intelleftion. And Hob, of late in his book of humane Nature faith, that vifible and intelligible fecies, is the greatefi Paradox in the world, as beinga plain Inn- phility. Aud indeed it is fomewhat ftrange that every ftone and clod fhould be in perpetual Adion,fending forth that which we call its fpecies; for doubtlefs it fendeth forth as much when we behold it not as when we do. And more ftrange that a Rock or Mountain fhouldbe fo adive a creature, and fo forci- ble in adion, as to lend forth its fpecier fo many miles I Yea, according to this Doctrine, many icon miles : for if our Or- gan were capable, we fhould fee it fo far. Whether the Angels fee thefe things on earth reci,9iendofpec,ies,or not; Pure according to this Doctrine, thejpecies muft reach as far as Heaven. And why do not (tones waft by fuch an unceffant emanation? And it is orange to conceive howthe Air is bepainted with variety of fpecier, if this be true ! that every Grafs, Flower, Tree, Bird, Stone, &c. and other bodies, have their feveral diftinct (pairs in the Air night and day ? How ftrangely is it painted ? What room is there for them all, without confufion , if both color, quantity, odor, and all be there ? And its [.range if we do not hear the found.nor tafte thefweetnefs, &c. but only the fpe- C c z cser