(19' ) tier of them ! and beyond my Capacity howwe fhould diÍ tern Diflance as well as theObjeE dcflant according to the paf five opinion ! and more hard is it for me to believe this Doc - rine, when I confider howCati and Owls fee in the night : and how a man in a deep Rudy, or that íleepeth with his eyes open, feeth not any thing diftin&ly ( though t know the frivolous an- fwers to thefe : ) And yet more hardly do I believe it when I fzet quanto labore c conttu I mutt fee to read a (mall print, or dif- cern a thing afar off : but above all when I feel the labor of my ftudies, I hardly believe that my underftanding is not a&ive ; though I eafily believe that I am alto too pafïive. Why do I not underftand with every dull thought ? To believe alto that every lone is Rill adive, and that the eye and Intelle& of the living Creature is but paflive is hard to me ; becaufe me thinks é1&ion better agreeth to the living, then the inanimate. And yet the lefs doI affent when I obferve what ftrefs they lay upon the fïmilitude of a looking -glafs receiving the fpecie;, which I am very confident it did never receive, when I fee it moving as my eyemoveth, and withdrawingwhen I `withdraw, ( though the Object beany ftone or other immovable thing ) I judge that when I am gone, theglafs receiveth no morefpecie, from the wall,then the wall from the glafs;nor that the waterre. ceives any more ¡petits of the Moon that there appears,then the earth.doth; but that all is in mine eyes by the help ofthat-re- flec:ion.I doubt not but you have read D'Orbellis arguments, (Dig. 3. i4 a. fent.par.3. q.2.) againft both extreatnsin point . of intellection : Againft yours his reafons feem to me ftrong_ uiaeffectus equivocus non potefi excellere in perfeccione cate- fam equivocam totalemfeddeficit neceffarioab ea ; fed intellectio effet effectus aquivacue fpeciei intelligibilis , fi ab eafola caufare- tur, & ita effet fimpliciter imperfectior fpecie intelligibili, quoei Leon eft vers »í, Tor» etiam quia tune non poffet falvari image in mente, ut mens eft : quia nibil ipficss mentis haberet rationem parenti;. Itemquomodo catafarentur relationea rationis, five in- tenciones logica, qu.e font in aciu collativo ? cum ilia intentio eli- catur realú qua caufatur imëdiated re vel fpecie reprefentante rem infe.Even des Cartes his Do&rine of vibration feemeth to make the fenfationand intelle&ion to be formally A&ion , though the Organ muff f rft be paffive to the producing it, before it be A&ive.