Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

197 ) Aaiive. Zabarel,Combacchisks, &c. fay that in fenfation there is firft a receiving the fpeciel. 2. A judging, &c. The flak by the Organwhich is pafiive, and the later ( which is the very knfa- tion by the (enÇicive foul, which is attive. Thezeft): e Corn - bacchiue faith, Irtelleflio eft operatic anima ratianalis &c. but pafflo is not operatic. Schibler determineth it ( Top. p. 23 2. that the abject: Both but T. Excitare potential Acri-. vas ad accus. 2. Terminare esctur Vigcterius ; nitit.ut. p. 261. befides the intellect Agent, afcribeth to the ?offble three offices. 1. To draw and receive the fpeciel. z. Actually to underfkand. 3. To conferve the jpecies. The fame Vigueries, inflit.p. 17. & .Aquin. 1.g. IS a. 3.1. SuaareZTGrn. 2. dip 48. §. 6. Scal.--ger Excrcit. 307 .,f: a. as alfo Bradroara ne, Scotus , Cajetani ambo, eAibert D'Orbellis ñuvio, Al(Icd'us, Kcc- leerman St ieritrs, ZYanchius, Burgerfdicius, A. C. f afcic. log. 'rideaux Hypomnem. with many more ,have taught nie to ac- count vifion, intelledion,and volition for Imminent Ads. And though there be a reception of thefp:cies,and fo fotrewhat of patiwn as well as of adion, yet that of paf ion is but a prep rationor guai materiale, and the formale is ina'tion, as Kec- kerman, Syft.log. p. rio. P6, f ci nonnalli difcernant materiale &- formale : frc materiale in vita eft receptiofpecierurn vifibilium in oculo, que eft paf o : eft deinde dijudicario rei 4 i ib lif per aL las [pecie..qu e eft actin : hint eh quod Ariftot. fen(um modo ad actionem,modo ad paonem refcri.. Zarchiu:. faith, Vol. r. T.3. p. 581. Vim omnem fenfrtivarn efe partim pafsivum, part in-; activum, diverfis,refpectibus 'T aftiva el? quatenus, percipit object . AFtivaeft'quatenus ipfa ab objetlo aft tl.i, parit Jen- fum, & rem unam ab alio d:fcernit, Patentia enim vifva poft- quamrecepit coloris albifpeciem,d:fcernit hanc à nigro, &c. fc in rebus Divinú vii noftre & voluntatit &pvffiva & ac`li- vaeft. Pafva guatenus recipitgratiam à Dee in nobis eperante Aaîiva vèroquatenus affecta Dei gratia, ipla Credit,ipfa "Moat ; AEti enim Agimau. Res fua natura intell:j biles vis l-'zec anima Patient intellettus appellata, efficit fuo !um ne , fuaque AtJEione ut res ants intelligantssr. Hoc lumen intell, Eys Agenti:, hoc eft, anima norlræ, non minima part eft imaginis Dei in guacreati f;- mtte. Obfcuratafuit lux nobis communicate per peccatern C c 3 jed