Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

0098) fed itlufratrsr denaso per CGriftaam uncle bac nova luce: Drum Dtîque myfteria-in telttgi;nii quacerte animalis bongo percipere n in potef . Proinele cum effernim tenebra, dcreto fat-7i furious & vocc.r,r4r lux in `Domino. Ex bac nova lace donata per Ch=ij'um intet,'igirnus quid fit intelIeëlas.r Agent. Zanch. ibid. p.596. You fee how farZ.inchipm Philofophy and Divinity is from yours , fo p. 594. .611 autera ranifefia i.o nobir lr `AAkio, nemprt intell;gere. Et pig. 638. He faith the intellect bath four o. erations. 1. 'i'n.licìurrl apprehenfto. 2. HorumCompo- fitio. 3.,Cornpoftorum æ ftimtio,eogcre - verorum c fatfss di vi- fig. 4. Ex his ratiacinatio. And you know that Tolet, having formerly thought, with e/£gid. Paul. tenet. & Cajet. that fenfatio (& ita inte!lectio) efi formaliter pa/sio, did change his judgement and at laft conclude that r/ifo vet fenfatio alia duos motes dicit : unummaterialiter, tic efi receptio fpe- ilei : alterurnformaliter, & kic eft trio : Prior inefi Orga- no ratione meter a : pofteriorrationefotentia, & a.4i æ : tamers uterepte tidem inef Organo. Prior guider non e/t fubffantireliter effentiu-ltiterfenfatio, fed concomirans .& velast dfpoftio: pofte- rior eft e(fentialiterfenfatio. But I bave'been too tedious on this. yid. rdltra in 1.2. de Ani- roa,p. 7 6,77.&c. t.1. ;. q. 1 3. &c. You fee my reafons-in part why I may think my felf excufable though I build not an Articleof my faith onyour Philofophical affertion ; [that vide- re,audire,(andfo to believe) are Grammatical actions (only) (for you muft fay [ó;1y1 -or you faynothing)and but phyfical pafhons. -tutf . 2.Whether to Believe be only verbum. activf: m ? bet ph».. sallypave, anda man by believing loth not operari,but recipere. This Queflion comes a little doter. By operaci I know you mean agere: for if you fhould mean Inch an operation as Oper, -- rim pro mercede ex debico performeth , then you ihould fay nothing, but difpute againft what I difavowed, even in the letter you anfwer ( which l dare not impute to you) Now the rea- ions that force me to d.f%r vehemently from you ( as you laid tome) in this point, are partly Philofophical, partly Theologi- çca_l.. And 1. I would fain.know what that is which you here call Fat h,and fay it: p :i ffve -? Is it the Habit ? No : For I.That :cannot b paffìve. 2. That is not it that julifieth. 3. That is :aot a paßion, as you fay this is. 4. That isnot a -Grammatical Artie;