Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

(i99) AEiion, as you fay this is ; What then I Is it the AEI of Faith .e No : For I. Thats it that you are denying,and fay its but ver- btom +ivttrv. 2. You fay, it is p2fji e. But how an Action can bepafve, is fo far beyond the reach of my weak under- fanding, that I could not believe it,though it were judged He- refie to deny it, Pajtio intrinfecum in-diner"; licit ad f bjecturn, repugnat dari paffioncm extrafobjectc m, faith Suarez. Tom.2 difp. 49. p. 451. And that Actéon can be the fubjecî of `Paf fou, is Philofophy that I never learned, and I think never (hail do. Efpecially if Schibler and molt Philofophers fay true that Actio & pap' no d fferunt redder fed fecttndtorrn inac'equa. tat concepttrs. For very many have taught me, that to t he Pea ripateticks it is abfurd for the fame tobeboth the Actron,Pa ! fion and `Pajftona ; yea to common reafon it is---- -- Moft certainly therefore it is neither Habit, nor.e /ct offaith which you cailfaith. What is it then?Is it a Paf ion?foyou fayyour fell, and therefore I muff take that to be your meaning : And I cannot imagine what elfe you fhould call faith. But here you leaveme acs great a lofs as before, For, i. You fay it is Paf- five: But I never heard or read before of a Paffive Paf- lion, any more then of a Paffive Action: And if I (Mould fet my underfianding on the wrack, is would not apprehend or ac- knowledge any fuch thing. I cannot imagine that it is the foul it felf which you fay ispal iveo i. Becaufeyou fay it is faith. 2.Becaufeelfe your Argument tuft conclude that the foul only is the inftrumentBut weare not queftioning the inftrumentality of the foul now, but of faith. More I might urge to thew that _. this cannatheyour meaning, but that I will not fuppofe that it is the foul it Pelf which you call faith. It being therefore nei- ther the Soul, Habit , Act, nor Pafsion which you here fay is Pafive in its ihffrumentality I am forced to confefs I know not what youmean : Yet if you fhouldmean anyPotentia 7Taf- frva. I . Whether there be any fuch in the rational foul diftina from the foul it felf,is'a great doubt.Y2. If therewere,' knownot how it can be called faith. z . Nor is it fuch a Potentia that is the inftrument ofÈufttfication,Yet afterwards you fay, It is an act ofdependance,which here you calla PafLion. 24 But whether AEI or Pafon,- it ma belong either to the Vrider-