Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

(2, 00 V,der(1anding, or will, or both: And x , Ifyou íhould place it only in the underflanding, youwould ( befides Dr. Dorman; have fewbut the Papttts with you. 2. If in the Will only, then (as Scripture is'moft plain againft ir, fo ) you would alto go agair;ft ch%: generality of our Divines. MClantlhon. 7o. ' 'rocim., .Amefas , Davenant, 6-c. make it the common Prouftant Tenet, that it is in both. In atlufideì 3ufIificaant:o toda an ma fe convertit ad caufam juflificantem : Davenant,lleterm. Q:38. pg. 174. Fides ilia Tian; Scripture jHHJiifacai tem agno'cir,b.abet in fe covnplìcaturn aiturn volantatia & intelietza.. idem. . 37, peg. 166. And to them that think it abfurd tohave it in both faculties, I anfwer with the fame Author. 1. uad philof% kavtur vole»tatem PJ" intelleîlum a fe duos potential re ipfa e#rf}inCias, dogma philofophiceem eft ab omnibus baud receptum, ( not of .>cotua and his followers, with many more) &The- clogicis dogmatìbus firmanda aut infirmandùfundamentáa mini- me idcneum. 2, Nrq; nobùabfurdurn, fed valde conferrtaneum viáetur,atium ilium quo Iota animapurificatur & juffificatur, ad totam an!mam pertinere : ita tot in:oudo intellects, habeat initium,in valuntate complementum. Idem. ibid. 3. If you fay it is in both (' as I doubt not but you will, it being the plain f rush) then 1. It cannot pofsibly be any one längle Act or Paffion which you call the pave Inffrument and do you think co find out many fi.ich ? 2. For that which belongeth to the underftanding, it muff be either a fi .nple appre- J enßon, a compofition or drvijon, or a ratiocination or yudgement. And 1. A limple Apprehenfion it cannot be : i. For fo the In- telled receiveth all Objects alike. It receiveth fin, death, un- righteoufnefs, Satan, hell in the fame kind as it receiveth Grace, Life,Righteoufnefs ,Chrift,Heaven.For it underflandeth both in the fame way, receiving them per morumobjecti. 2.And thus it receiveth not the very thing it fell': Effentially, ( though it under- fland the thing it felf)but only as is faid,the fpecies or anion of it, e.&c.(exccpt you will fay as Nir ICen.Digby, and theLord Brook, that the thing underflood is really in the underftanding, and become one with it ) Now according to this fence,you would not make faith to receive Chrifc or his Righteoufnefs atall ,but only the fpecies or Idea of them.3. And how oft bath