Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

hth Billarsriine been called Sophiller for fi ppofing, we mean fuch an apprehenfion ? Therefore I will not dare to thinkthat you mean this, 4._ And if_you did, yet d have fhewed how uncertain it is, that this iNtli ;rrG is only or formally pqi. 2. ßur if you mean not this fimple aprrther or. ( as lure you do not then how is it pofsible to im20e the underf ar.ding fhould be pafJive in it ? Did ever man that writ of Thilofophy once think that the foul did con/ontre, diz i lerc, r,t :ÚCir ri, j«d care, rati redo ron abrrdo ? I think no man. \AllenTolt,- difputeth tstru171 iKterlt'grrefit pats ? he faith, .(1a erte.d -r eft gmodfrrrro et de airebenfthe; ram decostpofiticne C7ud cio non ell (Ili. b .vrnapssd omres. Toi. dearim:. p. ]66. .1 will not therefore fiippofe you to differ inyour Philofophy from all men. What Act of the undertuandir.g you will make to be part of jullify iug faith, I know not : For I find Divines are very little agreed in it : But the moll make Aff nt to be the only Act of the un- derílanding ( though forme add notiti e ) and of them îome make it Effential to }unifying Faith and others but as a common prerequifïte Act. Now if it were Affoffur Noericur, yet it is impofsible it fhould be formally a Pafsion : but much more im- pofsible when it is ,Affen as dianoeticusve! dye tofivass, as is molt evident it is, and our judicious Rob. Baroniul truly teachetb, Philo f Theol. Annil. Exérc. 3. e/Art. 16. Moll Divines place the chiefEffence of Faith in fiducia but then they are ss ill agreed what to mean by fiducia. `T emble would fain perfwade us that ro Believe the Truth of a particu- - lar Promik;,s to trufi on the performance of it to me; and that the /,`lent of Faithwhich is given to fuch a Promife, is properly called fiducia or Treejl. But this is grounded on his fingular nion that Truth and Goodnefr areall one, &c. Barori is, peg. a32. tels us of a four-fold fiducia: The firft hemakes to be buta confident Agent to the Truthof thePromife, and a firm Pure Perfwafïon of the Remifsionof my own fins and of my Salvation. The fecond is a Raftingon GodsGoodnefs alone, &c. He placeth the ¡unifying vertue only in the firf, 'which yet containeth but partly Affent r whichwe plead againft the Papifis ufually got to be the ¡unifying Aet) and partly a par. ticulhr Perfarafiota or Belief of Pardon, which is properly no Dd Faith,