2.02. ) Faith, but that Commonly called Affurance. Now this kind of f,áeacia is but the Affeit ¡ice have fpoken of, and is beyond all difpute no meer Pa7on,but an Ra of the Underftanding. 2. But molt Divines make that fiacii which is an act of the to have the chief hand in this work of juftfiying : though Baronius is fo confident that it is not anact of Faith, but anEf- fect and Confequent, that he takes it for a thing fo manifeft, that it needeth no proof, p. 2.34. And Dr. Downam bath brought not a few, nor contemptible Arguments to the fame . purpofe againft Pemble, Append. to Covennat of Gr. Yet though we have found it in the Will, yet it is hard to find what act of the Will they mean. If it be an Elicit Act,it muff firft either refpect the End, and then it is either velie intendere vel frai ; But lure fiducia is none of thefe t and if it were, it is more lure that at lean the two firft are not Paffions ; and I think not the 1af1, though it be nothing to the prefent point Or elfe 2. It mutt refpect the :Means ; and then it mule be Eligere,('onfentire vel Oti (inwhich joined to 4ffent, I take ¡unifying Faith to confitt ) But it is both evident that noneof thefe isfiducia, and if they were , that none of..thefe are paj- f ons or paffîve. So that hitherto we are to leek for this pafsire Faith. Or elle it is an Imparáte Act ; and,then we are in a wood to leek among fo many that there is little hope of finding it. The Truth Teems to me to be beyond difpute,that fiducia is no one tingle Act ( thoughone word) but a compofition of many im- plying or containing -the 1.9(fent of the underftanding, the Election of the Will, efpecially much of Hope and t.A'dvento roufnejs in the Irafcible of the Senficive, together with a furpen- fíonof fome acts. And if we are ;unified by this Recumbency or Fiducia, I fhall believe we are ¡unified., as well byHope as any thing for that takes up .,toff here, as `Dr. Downam ubifupra proveth. And who ever Paid that in all or any of thefe the Soul ù Paßve andnot eActi ve ? Indeed Hope, and yenturou(nefe are Paffgont, but in another fenfe (as Keckerm. and Tolet ubiApra have well opened ; its in refpect of their quafi materi- ale. ) I am content toRand or fall by tbevote of Philofophers,- givingyou z oo to one, whether the Forrgalitjof thefe motion., of